La Formula Uno punta all'ibrido


TCI Advanced Member
13 Ottobre 2005
Borbona (RI), ma anche Roma

What we have in mind is this: that every car can be fitted with equipment, which must weigh no more than 20 kilos and will store energy when the car brakes and enable the energy to be used when the car accelerates again. The technology we would like in that 20-kilo piece of equipment will be completely free, so that people can choose whether they want a hydraulic, inertia or electrical system, or some other technology or branch of those technologies.

This is quite clearly something that is and will be developed for the road and all the major manufacturers are working on different systems at this time. By allowing it in F1 we will be accelerating its introduction. We’d like to do that for 2009 but must sort out the detail of the regulation with the teams and manufacturers. This will be a technology that everyone can understand, the public can understand and it will be directly relevant to road cars and a technology for the future of road cars.
—Max Mosley


La Forumula Uno non sò cos'è.:biggrin2:


Fondamentalmente non sarebbe male. Giusto il problema tecnico di non far pesare le batterie.
Ultima modifica:
Ci si evolve.... Se la F1 esprime il massimo della technologia l'ibrido è un must.

E questo da un vantaggio notevole alla Toyota racing team! :wink_smil
ambrojohn ha scritto:

What we have in mind is this: that every car can be fitted with equipment, which must weigh no more than 20 kilos and will store energy when the car brakes and enable the energy to be used when the car accelerates again. The technology we would like in that 20-kilo piece of equipment will be completely free, so that people can choose whether they want a hydraulic, inertia or electrical system, or some other technology or branch of those technologies.

This is quite clearly something that is and will be developed for the road and all the major manufacturers are working on different systems at this time. By allowing it in F1 we will be accelerating its introduction. We’d like to do that for 2009 but must sort out the detail of the regulation with the teams and manufacturers. This will be a technology that everyone can understand, the public can understand and it will be directly relevant to road cars and a technology for the future of road cars.
—Max Mosley


mmmh, perchè no?? Non sono un grande amante della formula1 ma le cose cambiano e se la F1 igiorn imboccasse la strada dell'ibrido ci sarebbe una ricaduta d'immagine&tecnologica che potrebbe accelerare lo sviluppo tecnologico delle auto di serie. So che non è così automatico, che i tempi sarebbero necessariamente lunghi e che la F1 è di fatto un feudo delle case automobilistiche europee, tuttavia...perchè no??